
Jazlyn Oliver Photography!

Hey everyone check out my new blog for my photography! These are couple of photos I have done in the past that is on it, for more check it out!


  1. Hi Jazlyn, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my horse sale blog.
    You do some nice photography! What part of Canada did you live in?

  2. Hey- also on thee subject of photography, have you checked out Sunday Stills Challenge blog? Every week we get a different challenge, and then on Sunday, we put our photos on our blog, and pop over to the Sunday Stills blog and leave a comment on the post for that week, with a link back to our blog, so that everyone can see our photos. It's a lot of fun and a great way to visit with people from all over the world. Here's the web address:
    Hope to see you there!

  3. Aw thank you! I have heard of it, but never looked into it, but I think I will for sure now. Thanks for the link :D

    I use to live in Rosemary Alberta, LOVE Alberta! Actually we are planning on moving home from Australia, but to Strathmore as that is where the hubbys work will be, but this means I get to be closer to my horses <3 Its been really hard not having any kind of farm life around me.


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